Surface treatment
Perfect cosmetic appearance
A flawless surface treatment requires specialisation and comprehensive quality control.
You will profit from a quality management system for controlling surface treatment. This system is developed over many years and is adjusted according to our experiences with customers’ products and needs.
Our quality control team, located in Denmark, Singapore, and China, is trained and experienced in various methods and issues regarding surfaces and cosmetic appearance.
You will have a wide range of options for your product. Both electroless and electrolytic metallic surface treatments are possible. And whether you need a functional or a decorative coating, we can be of help.
Amongst your options are:
- Anodizing
- Powder painting
- Wet painting
- Chroming
- Chromating
- Passivating
Ensuring a spotless surface
Quality assurance is vital for delivering products with perfect cosmetic appeal.
To establish robust quality control measures, we actively collaborate with you.
Whether it is developing visual guidelines tailored to your specific requirements or integrating your existing directives into our processes, we ensure a unified approach to achieving perfection.
Achieving a spotless surface requires attention to detail. Our quality assurance protocols are designed to meet this challenge head-on.
With expertise and advanced equipment, we guarantee that every treated surface meets the highest standards of excellence.
Perfect surfaces
Flawless surfaces
Watch PVD plating in action
Your supply chain support
Customised hardware from our extensive network of Asian manufacturers.
We help you establish and maintain a globally competitive supply chain.